Monday, May 16, 2016

Nerf Modulus ecs-10 Review

Name: Modulus ecs-10
Series: N-Strike
Gun type: Assault rifle
Ammo (Darts) :10
Automatic: Yes
Customizable:Yes         Click here to buy

My Review

The Nerf Modulus is an automatic assault rifle. Something many Nerf guns are, so why buy it?                                                                                                                                            
Well, the word Modulus means absolute value. The thing about this gun is  that there are multiple extensions to put on just about every side of the gun.

Including the long range kit, strike and defend kit, special ops kit, and the flip clip  getting you up to more than 1000 combinations.                                    
Wow, it's pretty great you can get things to improve (or worsen!) something about your gun, right?

Rankings (5 points each for a total of 50)

Aim: 3/5 The scopes are only effective at mid-range and ammo randomly goes off target once in a while.

Repetition speed (shots / min): 6/5 Being an automatic gun, it shoots very fast no matter what.

Speed of ammo: 3/5 The ammo can be dodged at mid and long range.

Distance of ammo: 3.5/5 The gun shoots 30-40ft.

Weight: 3.5/5 Without any extensions it's 2 lb. but if you add a lot the weight can triple.

Amount of ammo: 4.5/5 Normal clips w/ 10 bullets and stock with extra clip. But with flip get 14 extra.

Jamming: 4.5/5  Since it isn't pump-action this gun rarely jams but when it does it's easy to fix.

Noise level: 2/5 Any automatic gun makes loud noises (Don't try to sneak!)

Looks: 5/5 You decide how your gun looks but it looks swag anyway.

'It' factor: 4/5 It was a good idea to have upgrade packs but there are other customization guns.

Total Points = 39/50



  1. This is a very thorough review and I look forward to visiting this site before making any future Nerf gun purchases. I especially like that you post a link to buy the gun being reviewed! One question: could you describe how you tested the ammo speed and which dodging techniques were used?

    1. Ammo speed is tested by shooting my gun at multiple people of different skill levels and at different distances and having them try to dodge it. The percentage of hits determines my ammo speed. Most people try to dodge by jumping, ducking, turning, e.t.c.

    2. Thanks for the quick response! In future testing, we have an ample supply of dodgers who would love to be your lab rats ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
